
Showing posts from November, 2009

A sub set.... middle management.

A sub set. The middle management. These are the rules of middle management. A most incongruous form. The management that is, not the rules. (On the other hand!) rule one. Middle management should always admit when they have got it wrong. rule two. Middle management should never get it wrong. rule three. Middle management should know the job better than those "beneath" them. (see rule two)

The Eighth Rule

Only ever do your laundry when it is raining.

The second rule

hmmm .... the second rule is ........ welllllllllllllllllll ..............a big one. Some would say the biggest. Others may say that "god" knows best. But let's not get into that. Its the only Rule that is a law. but lets just go with it anyway. the secound rule is............ drum roll>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The second lew of thermodynamics Disappointed? well.................. tough! Look here to see how, why Etc...

Rule Seven.

Rule Seven When writing a blog about rules*. Don't force it. Let it happen. *Or any blog probably.

The golden rule

Of course rules are meant to be broken, that's why these are rules not laws. Why are there gaps in rules? Well, trouble is' the first three rules do seem to cover just about every aspect of life. Look at the name of this blog. I seem to have broken the third rule by over simplifying things here. See how easy it is to make these rules up. And how difficult it is to Obey them. Rule number five. Human beings, good human beings, will do bad things.