The Rules rule all. My rules of life. Yes I know that in some cases they are not strictly specking rules. But this is my blog so..
political memes
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Any political pointed meme posted on any social media that is intended to solicit encourage or change a political belief or system will fail to do so in any way. In all likelihood it will have the opposite effect.
Overdue review. (because no one reads from the bottom up) 1 Don't ask a barber if you need a hair cut. 2 The Second Law of Thermodynamics. ( see here ) Still my favorite. 3 Everything is more complicated than you think it is. (see Rule 2 ) 4 The more money, time or effort someone puts into selling you something the less likely you are to really need it. 5 Humanbeings are fundamentally good. (despite all the evidence to the contrary. See rule 3 ) 6...... 7...... 8 Probably best to do your laundry when it is raining. 9 When endeavoring to do something creative, let it happen. Don't force it. 10...... there will be more someday.... see rule 9
hmmm .... the second rule is ........ welllllllllllllllllll ..............a big one. Some would say the biggest. Others may say that "god" knows best. But let's not get into that. Its the only Rule that is a law. but lets just go with it anyway. the secound rule is............ drum roll>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The second lew of thermodynamics Disappointed? well.................. tough! Look here to see how, why Etc...
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